SARK V4.0.0 Debian install

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Debian Install

Debian install onto Wheezy is quick and easy. First burn and install a vanilla Wheezy iso. You can get the iso from this page:-

Assuming you have line-of-site to the internet and a DHCP server on your network, choose from the netinst CD image group. For a test install on X86 hardware choose the i386 image. Either burn it to a CD or point your VM hypervisor at it if you're installing sail as a VM.

Follow the Debian installer instructions. When Tasksel runs during the install, turn off all of the options except ssh server (uncheck everything except ssh server). Complete the installation normally. It should be very quick because you are performing a minimal server-only install.

Sail will install onto i386, amd64, armhf and armel based hardware (provided you have at least 4Gb of drive space). If you are using ARM you will likely need to follow the individual hardware vendors' instructions to get a base Debian installed. However, once done, the sail install is the same as any other Debian install.

Set up the sail repo

Once the install is complete, log in to your new Debian. You can do this with a screen and keyboard if you have them attached to your server, but it is much better to use ssh (use Putty if you are working from a Windows desktop). That way you can copy and paste the commands below so there should be less chance of an error.

From the CLI, run the following commands to download and install the public key from the Sail servers and identify the sail repo to Debian. Best to copy and paste these commands because if you get 'em just a tiny bit wrong it won't be nice.

apt-key add sail.gpg.key
echo deb wheezy main >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update

Now you can install sail

apt-get install sail

The install will take a good few minutes depending upon the speed of the donor box and your internet link. During the install you will be asked to enter a root password for MySQL (make a note of it, you'll need it later). You will also be asked to enter the international dial code (IDD) for your country. For example, if you are in the UK, this would be 44. Let the install run to its conclusion.

Seed the CDR database

Now you can seed the Asterisk MySQL CDR database with the following command (substitute the MySQL root password you gave during the sail installation).

mysql -u root --password={your mysql root password} < /opt/sark/stat/asterisk-stat-v2/cdr-mysql-setup.sql

You're done - reboot it


your sail app will be at http://your.server.ip.address

  • UID - admin
  • PWD - sarkadmin